Research Article

Community-Level Response of Fishes and Aquatic Macroinvertebrates to Stream Restoration in a Third-Order Tributary of the Potomac River, USA

Figure 2

Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination plot for aquatic macroinvertebrate communities at all sampling reaches (stress = 10.6 for 2-dimensional solution) in the Cacapon River, WVa, USA. Reaches are labeled by reach category: upstream control (impaired reach, but not receiving restoration) denoted “UC”; downstream control denoted “DC”; upstream reference (unimpaired, natural reach) denoted “UR”; and downstream reference denoted “DR”. “Pre” denotes the restoration reach prior to restoration (2009), and “Post” denotes the restoration reach after restoration (2010). Selected macroinvertebrate taxa are positioned in the ordination as weighted averages. Vector lengths indicate relative correlative strength of macroinvertebrate community metrics ( ; 1000 permutations).