Research Article

Notes on the Wild Tomistoma Populations in Western Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo

Table 2

History of Tomistoma sightings or captured Tomistoma (2014–2016).

LocalityDateStatusSize/life stagePerson

Samarahan9/2/2015Captured ()
Sent to Matang Wildlife Centre, died in March 2015
2.4 mLocal people and volunteers

Bunga-Baki River March 2014Captured ()
Released by local people in the same habitat
HatchlingLocal people
12/3/2015Captured ()
Sent to Matang Wildlife Centre
0.4 mLocal people

Kepayang River July 2014Sighting () SubadultSFC Aquatic Survey team
July 2014Carcass () AdultPlantation workers
16/2/2016Sighting () AdultLocal people
17/2/2016Sighting () AdultLocal people

SFC: Sarawak Forestry Corporation.