Research Article

Numerical Performance of Higher-Order Semicompact Scheme for Arbitrary Triangular Cavity Flow

Table 1

Properties of the center of the primary eddy, located at with streamfunction value and vorticity for equilateral triangle.


1Present −0.2348 −1.4335 (0.0271, 0.4844)
Li and Tang [8] −0.2340 −1.3990(0.0000, 0.4750)
Erturk and Gokcol [11] −0.2329 −1.3788 (0.0101, 0.4668)
Gaskell et al. [9] −0.2320 −1.3750 (0.0100, 0.4670)
McQuain et al. [6] −0.2330 −1.3630 (0.0170, 0.4600)

50Present −0.2377 −1.4533 (0.3248, 0.4375)
Li and Tang [8] −0.2350 −1.4380 (0.3680, 0.4380)
Erturk and Gokcol [11] −0.2369 −1.4689 (0.3484, 0.4434)
Gaskell et al. [9] −0.2360 −1.4690 (0.3500, 0.4420)
McQuain et al. [6]−0.2370 −1.4640 (0.3460, 0.4450)

100Present −0.2489 −1.3795 (0.3291, 0.3700)
Li and Tang [8] −0.2440 −1.2640 (0.3680, 0.3630)
Erturk and Gokcol [11] −0.2482 −1.3669 (0.3315, 0.3555)
Gaskell et al. [9] −0.2490 −1.3650 (0.3330, 0.3560)
McQuain et al. [6] −0.2470 −1.3730 (0.3290, 0.3550)

350Present −0.2663 −1.2388 (0.1624, 0.2500)
Li and Tang [8] −0.2740 −1.1530 (0.1520, 0.2130)
Erturk and Gokcol [11] −0.2724 −1.1985 (0.1556, 0.2383)
Gaskell et al. [9] −0.2740 −1.2010 (0.1490, 0.2340)
McQuain et al. [6]−0.2680 −1.2320 (0.1730, 0.2650)

500Present −0.2748 −1.1992 (0.1299, 0.2350)
Li and Tang [8] −0.2780 −1.1240 (0.1080, 0.2130)
Erturk and Gokcol [11] −0.2774 −1.1791 (0.1319, 0.2207)
Gaskell et al. [9] −0.2810 −1.1870 (0.1280, 0.2170)
McQuain et al. [6]−0.2690 −1.2500 (0.1730, 0.2650)

1000Present −0.2902 −1.2067 (0.0866, 0.2200)
Li and Tang [8] −0.2790 −1.0480 (0.1080, 0.1380)
Erturk and Gokcol [11] −0.2844 −1.1629 (0.1116, 0.1973)

1500 Present −0.2962 −1.2282 (0.0664, 0.2250)
Li and Tang [8] −0.2770 −0.9980 (0.1080, 0.1380)
Erturk and Gokcol [11] −0.2873 −1.1639 (0.1015, 0.1914)

2000Present −0.2951 −1.1827 (0.0693, 0.2029)
Li and Tang [8]
Erturk and Gokcol [11]