Research Article

The Danish Model for Improvement of Diabetes Care in General Practice: Impact of Automated Collection and Feedback of Patient Data

Table 1

Number and proportion of patients with no medication despite clinical condition indicating need for treatment now and one year ago among the included type 2 diabetes patients (7988 with recorded HbA1c, 7123 with recorded cholesterol levels, and 5805 with recorded blood pressure).

Oct. 2009, (%)Oct. 2010, (%)Absolute risk reduction (95% CI)

Diabetes control (HbA1c > 7% and no medical treatment)235 (2.94)127 (1.59)1.35% (0.89, 1.81)
Cholesterol (>4.5 mmol/L and no medical treatment)1226 (17.21)889 (12.48)4.73% (3.56, 5.90)
Blood pressure (systolic > 130 and no medical treatment)722 (12.44)460 (7.92)4.51% (3.42, 5.61)