Research Article

Point-of-Care Troponin T Testing in the Management of Patients with Chest Pain in the Swedish Primary Care

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of chest pain patients managed in primary health care (PHC) centres with and without point-of-care Troponin T testing (POCT-TnT).

Patients from PHC centres with POCT-TnT
Patients from PHC centres without POCT-TnT

 Age, years mean ± SD 0.670
 Male, (%)71 (56)42 (62)0.396
Presenting symptom
 Chest pain, (%)110 (86)60 (88)0.652
 Weakness and/or dyspnoea on exertion, no chest pain, (%)18 (14)8 (12)0.652
Risk factors
 Current smokers, (%)15 (12)10 (15)0.787
 Diabetes, (%)20 (16)5 (7.4)0.098
 Hypertension, (%)47 (37)28 (41)0.541
 Hypercholesterolemia, (%)36 (28)16 (24)0.488
Cardiovascular disease
 Angina pectoris, (%)22 (17)10 (15)0.655
 Previous AMI, (%)20 (16)8 (12)0.462
 Coronary revascularisation, (%)16 (13)6 (8.8)0.438
 Stroke, (%)5 (3.9)2 (2.9)1.000
 Heart failure, (%)12 (9.4)2 (2.9)0.144
 Aortic valve disease, (%)6 (4.7)3 (4.4)1.000
 Potential causes of elevation of Troponin T
 in the absence of overt ischemic heart disease1, (%)
3 (2.3)0 (0)1.000
 Sinus rhythm, (%)114 (89)62 (91)0.890
 Atrial fibrillation, (%)12 (9.4)5 (7.4)0.890

1That is, hypertrophic cardiomyopathies, renal failure, or amyloidosis.