Research Article

An Evaluation of the Knowledge and Utilization of the Partogragh in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Care Settings in Calabar, South-South Nigeria

Table 2

Respondents knowledge of partograph.

Variables UCTH (30)  

Freq. (%)
GHC (20)  

Freq. (%)
PHCs (10)  

Freq. (%)

A chart developed by midwives in developed countries to monitor labor
 Yes 22 (16.7)5 (3.8)0 (0)27 (9.3)
 No 110 (83.3)125 (96.2)28 (100)263 (90.7)
 Total 132 (100)130 (100)28 (100)290 (100)
A complex tool with pictorial overview of labor for use by midwives
 Yes 14 (10.6)14 (10.8)1 (3.6) 29 (10.0)
 No 118 (89.4)116 (89.2)27 (96.4)261 (90.0)
 Total 132 (100)130 (100)28 (100)290 (100)
A chart for monitoring labor by doctors
 Yes 24 (18.2)7 (5.4)6 (21.4)37 (12.8)
 No 108 (81.8)123 (94.6)22 (78.6)253 (87.2)
 Total 132 (100)130 (100)28 (100)290 (100)
A simple graphic recording of labor and salient conditions of the mother and fetus against time in hours
 Yes 51 (38.6)28 (21.5)7 (25.0)86 (29.7)
 No 81 (61.4)102 (78.5)21 (75.0)204 (70.3)
 Total 132 (100)130 (100)28 (100)290 (100)