Clinical Study

Placebo-Controlled Discontinuation of Long-Term Acid-Suppressant Therapy: A Randomised Trial in General Practice

Table 1

Demographics and clinical baseline characteristics of participants.


Male (%)37 (44)41 (48)
Age, median (10%–90% percentile), year59 (39–79)59 (39–77)
Smoking, (%; 95% CI)31 (36; 26–48) 39 (45; 35–56)
Alcohol use, <21 units/weeks (%; 95% CI)79 (93; 85–97)79 (92; 84–97)
Symptom duration, median (10%–90% percentile), year4 (1–16)4 (1–13)
Helicobacter pylori-positive (%; 95% CI)12 (14; 7–23)17 (20; 12–30)
Previous endoscopy, (%; 95% CI)46 (54; 42–64)39 (45; 34–56)
Previous NSAID/ASA use, (%; 95% CI)52 (61; 49–71)53 (61; 50–72)

Esomeprazole 40 mg.