Research Article

Forest Succession and Maternity Day Roost Selection by Myotis septentrionalis in a Mesophytic Hardwood Forest

Table 1

Candidate model sets used to compare female Myotis septentrionalis day-roost species selection and day-roost selection by maternity status on the Fort Knox military reservation in Hardin, Bullitt, and Meade counties, Kentucky, USA, 2011.


1dbh + height + Decay + percent bark + percent slope + sin (aspect) + cos (aspect) + elevation + gap fraction + LAI + PPFD
2dbh + height + Decay + percent bark
3dbh + height
4Decay + percent bark
5Decay + percent bark + gap fraction + LAI + PPFD
6Gap fraction + LAI + PPFD
7Percent + sin (aspect) + cos (aspect) + elevation + gap fraction + LAI + PPFD
8Percent slope + sin (aspect) + cos (aspect) + elevation
9Null model