Research Article

Human Influences on Tree Diversity and Composition of a Coastal Forest Ecosystem: The Case of Ngumburuni Forest Reserve, Rufiji, Tanzania

Table 2

Relationship between size of farms and yield of cassava.

Land holdings (Acre)Number of bags of cassavaTotal
<50 (%)50–100 (%)<100 (%)

Up to 55 (26)10 (52.6)4 (21)19
5 to 108 (29.6)14 (51.8)5 (18.5)27
10 to 156 (28.6)7 (33.3)8 (38.09)21
Above 155 (21.7)8 (34.78)10 (43.5)23

Total24 (26.7)39 (43.3)27 (30)90 (100)

Source: own survey, 2007.
Chi-square = 5.5 and NS, DF = 6 at .