Review Article

Lessons From Early REDD+ Experiences in the Philippines

Table 2

Summary of strengths and weakness of projects related to REDD+.

Critical factors12345

(1) External support(+) GIZ(+) EU(+) EU(+) MoreTrees, Inc.(+) TMC

(2) Local participation(+) POs are actively participating
(−) Nonavailability of local counterpart funds caused delay of activities
(−) In conflict with the interests of local government units (LGUs) which prioritize mining applications(+) Indigenous peoples community actively participating
(−) Complex arrangements since the project covers several provinces
(−) Issue on benefit sharing(−) Conflicting with LGU’s interest

(3) Free prior and informed consentNot applicable(−) Spent more than a year to secure the FPIC(−) Spent almost a year to secure community endorsement/FPICNot applicableNot applicable

(4) Training of stakeholders(+) Capacity development of DENR, LGUs and partners(+) Community training on carbon mensuration and biodiversity assessment
(+) LGU as one of the partner implementer
(+) Able to develop community REDD+ champions
(+) Capacity building of LGUs, IPs, and other stakeholders involve
(+) Community capacity building(+) Community capacity building

(5) Sustainability(+) Alternative livelihood (+) Enterprise and infrastructure development aid(+) Provision of livelihood and enterprise development activities.
(+) Integration of REDD+ in the Ancestral Domain Sustainable and Development Plan
(+) Establish 22 ha of agroforestry from which the local communities derive additional income and improve the long-term productivity of their farms(+) Alternative livelihood through reforestation, enhancement planting, and agroforestry

(6) National laws and policies(−) RA 7942: Philippine Mining Act of 1995 (persistence of mining/mineral development zone despite the existence of policy framework on forest conservation and governances)(−) Tenurial conflict
(−) various national statutes in place (e.g., IPRA, NIPAS and Local Government Code)
(−) Tenurial conflict

(7) Biodiversity conservation(+) Protection of 5,000 ha natural forests and establishment of 2,000 ha species-rich reforestation(+) Protection of key biodiversity areas(+) Protection of key biodiversity areas(+) Reforestation of 155 ha with indigenous species suitable to bring back forest condition and appropriate biophysical requirement of the site(+) Reforestation using indigenous forest tree species
(+) Distribution of efficient rice hull and firewood stoves and fuelwood plantation development were also included in the project to help reduce deforestation.

(8) Use of safeguards(+) Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM)(+) IPRA and SEP clearance(+) IPRA and DENR-PAWB GP(+) Community- Based Forest Management (CBFM)

(1) Climate-relevant Modernization of Forest Policy and Piloting of REDD in the Philippines.
(2) Advancing Development of Victoria-Anepahan Communities and Ecosystem through REDD (Advance REDD).
(3) Community Carbon Pools Project (C2P2).
(4) Quirino Forest Carbon Project.
(5) Philippine Penablanca Sustainable Reforestation Project.