Research Article

Forest Sustainability in North Lebanon: A Challenging Complexity in a Changing Environment

Table 1

Analysis of primary stakeholders’ roles and impacts on the socioeconomic and environmental levels in the upper Akkar watershed.

StakeholderRoles and impactsNotes

Members of tribe(i) Primary decision-makers in the Karmshbat village (highest peaks of the upper Akkar watershed) and its surroundings
(ii) Major consumers of natural resources (mainly agriculture, quarrying, logging, and grazing)
Local authority

Small farmers(i) Owners of most of the agricultural lands
(ii) Play a major role in the local economy
(iii) Major consumers of water resources
(i) Own high percentage of seasonal agricultural crops
(ii) Some are grazers

Large farmers(i) Owners of large agricultural tracts
(ii) Play a major role in the regional economy (import/export)
(iii) Major consumers of water resources

Grazers(i) Protect forests from foreigners
(ii) Play a minor role in the local economy (restricted to few families)
(iii) Depend on forest for grazing and water resources for cattle feeding
(iv) Affect natural forest dynamics
(i) Poor community
(ii) Some are small farmers too

Loggers(i) Depend on forests for wood extraction
(ii) Exploit wood for local use only (cooking, heating, etc.)
(iii) Contribute to forest degradation

Quarry owners(i) Depend on quarrying as a main income generating activity
(ii) Play a major role in the watershed economy
(iii) Deeply affect natural resources and landscapes (forests, soils, and water) and contribute to ecosystems degradation
Are mainly members of the tribe

Local political figures(i) Major role in lobbying for the region
(ii) Major role in decision-making
Rarely present in the region

Municipalities(i) Local decision-makers and policy-makers
(ii) Influential role in forest and water resources management
(iii) Major role in water distribution to the villages

Women(i) Responsible for households
(ii) Major consumers of resources (water, plants harvesting, heating, etc.)
(iii) Form women cooperation (role in environmental awareness, empowering women’s livelihoods, etc.)
(iv) Minor role in local economy (handicraft and food provision production)
Some of them are farmers

Local and national NGOs(i) Major role in fundraising
(ii) Implement environmental and developmental projects
(iii) Support environmental education and livelihoods
(iv) Promote sustainable management of natural resources

MinistriesNational authorities responsible for the implementation of legislations related to infrastructure and resources management and for providing security to the area Weak representation in the area

Council for development and reconstruction(i) Major role in planning and land-use management
(ii) Implementation of megaprojects (dams, infrastructures, etc.)
(iii) Support for agricultural projects

DonorsFund providers