Research Article

A Hidden Pitfall for REDD: Analysis of Power Relation in Participatory Forest Management on Whether It Is an Obstacle or a Reliever on REDD Pathway

Box 2

Unstructured interview with one of key persons from Kisese-Disa village (a village leader). How can you comment on the status of PFM and REDD at your village?
He said “In the beginning, we agreed to work with district council forest staff as they said the government
has decided to give back the forests to local people to protect them and collect our needs from the forest
like firewood. We were asked to formulate Village forest management Committee which would work with
the district people on behalf of the community in protecting the forest. We were asked to plan the way of
using the forests without destroying them and we did. The problem is that thereafter there was
misunderstanding among village government (village council) leaders and that forest management
committee. The whole village leadership collapsed and we elected new village government. Therefore, all
forest management arrangements ended with the previous village leadership. However we continued to
protect our forests and get our needs there until when district people wanted to give the forest to African
Wildlife Foundation (AWF) with the name of REDD+ project. We refused to work with AWF because they
are Tarangire National Park people. It is hard to believe TANAPA people you know! They can take our
forest as they did to other places we heard in Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions. Although we refused to
work with AWF as our partners, they forced us to accept REDD+ project and have imposed many
restrictions on the forests. To date if we enter the forest we get caught by a team of forest guards of AWF
trained from every village and sometimes with park rangers of Tarangire national Park who join district
people in patrolling the forest. When youngsters are caught cutting poles for repairing or constructing a
house they are beaten hardly without taking them to court, which is against the Forest Act and our village