Research Article

Bark Thickness Equations for Mixed-Conifer Forest Type in Klamath and Sierra Nevada Mountains of California

Table 4

Performance of bark thickness (BT) models in the Fire and Fuels Extension for the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE-FVS) [11, 12] and Larsen & Hann [13] models for BT in Oregon applied to BT and DBH data for California mixed-conifers. Comparing BT data for Klamath National Forest (KNF), Tahoe National Forest (TNF), Stanislaus-Tuolumne Experimental Forest (STEF), and Sequoia National Forest (SNF) in California against FFE-FVS and Oregon BT model predictions in terms of percent difference between predicted BT and actual BT data calculated as 100 × (predicted-actual)/predicted. Negative percentage indicates underprediction by the FFE-FVS or Oregon models.

SpeciesFFE-FVS BT models [11, 12]Oregon BT models [13]

White fir (ABCO)−47.7%−49.2%
Incense-cedar (CADE)−55.2%−14.4%
Jeffrey pine (PIJE)−20.1%
Sugar pine (PILA)−0.5%11.2%
Douglas-fir (PSME)6.9%37.2%
Western white pine (PIMO)−17.3%
Lodgepole pine (PICO)−5.4%
Red fir (ABMA)−53%