Research Article

Comparison of -Square, Point Centered Quarter, and -Tree Sampling Methods in Pittosporum undulatum Invaded Woodlands

Table 2

Different sampling methods and estimators used in this study (adapted from [1]).

Sampling methodsEstimatorsCharacteristic

-Square[13]λ = estimated density
= sample size
= distance from closest individual to nearest neighbor
= distance from random point to closest individual

Point Centered Quarter[15] = estimated density
= sample size
= number of individuals to be located in each sector of the area around the random sampling point
= distance from random point to closest individual in quarter

-treeFor 3-tree = sample size
= estimated density
= plot area in each plot is calculated separately using the following equation:

= plot radius and in normal method prolongs to mid diameter of th tree but in adjusted methods prolongs between and trees.
3-tree adjusted
For 4-tree
4-tree adjusted
For 5-tree
5-tree adjusted
For 6-tree
6-tree adjusted [16]