Research Article

Rheological and Quality Characteristics of Taftoon Bread as Affected by Salep and Persian Gums

Table 2

Effect of hydrocolloids on farinograph parameters.

SampleWater absorption, %Development time, minDegree of softening (12 min after max), Brabender unitDegree of softening (10 min after begin), Brabender unitStability, minFarinograph quality number

Con63.00 ± 0 cdef5.25 ± 0.50c75.50 ± 1.50ab39.50 ± 0.50abc6.30 ± 0c88.00 ± 2.00bc
P(0.5)62.00 ± 0fg5.15 ± 0.15cd84.00 ± 12.00a48.00 ± 11.00ab5.60 ± 0.80c79.50 ± 7.50c
P(1)61.66 ± 0g5.10 ± 0.10cd78.00 ± 15.00ab48.00 ± 9.00ab6.45 ± 0.55c82.50 ± 5.50bc
P(3)58.33 ± 0h6.65 ± 1.15b50.00 ± 2.00c18.50 ± 4.50d11.00 ± 0.40a124.00 ± 11.00a
S(0.5)63.66 ± 0cd5.25 ± 0.45c64.50 ± 5.50abc34 ± 6.00abcd6.65 ± 0.75c94.50 ± 8.50bc
S(1)64.00 ± 0c3.80 ± 0.50ef57.50 ± 12.5abc31.50 ± 10.50bdc6.90 ± 1.70c103.50 ± 17.50ab
S(3)68.33 ± 0b3.95 ± 0.25def65.00 ± 9.00abc39.00 ± 8.00abc5.85 ± 0.25c87.50 ± 8.50bc
S(5)73.00 ± 0a8.20 ± 0a0.0d25.50 ± 6.50cd8.90 ± 0.40b99.00 ± 12.00bc
S(0.5)P(0.5)62.66 ± 0defg4.95 ± 0.05cde67.00 ± 11.00abc38.50 ± 8.50abc6.90 ± 0.70c90.00 ± 9.00bc
S(0.75)P(0.25)63.33 ± 0cde3.55 ± 1.25f67.50 ± 5.50abc41.00 ± 9.00abc6.20 ± 0.80c87.00 ± 11.00bc
P(0.75)S(0.25)62.33 ± 0efg4.55 ± 0.25cdef75.50 ± 10.50ab49.50 ± 6.50a6.20 ± 0.80c79.00 ± 4.00c

Con: control without any gums, P(0.5): dough with 0.5% Persian gum, P(1): dough with 1% Persian gum, P(3): dough with 3% Persian gum, S(0.5): dough with 0.5% salep, S(1): dough with 1% salep, S(3): dough with 3% salep, S(5): dough with 5% salep, S(0.5)P(0.5): dough with 0.5% salep and 0.5% Persian gum, S(0.75)P(0.25): dough with 0.75% salep and 0.25% Persian gum, and P(0.75)S(0.25): dough with 0.75% Persian gum and 0.25% salep. Values are the mean ± standard deviation ( ). Values represented by different letters in each column are significantly different ( ).