Research Article

Target Gene and Function Prediction of Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs in Lactating Mammary Glands of Dairy Goats

Figure 1

The expression patterns of 25 miRNAs belonging to five classifications. These miRNAs are clustered according to their expressions at three stages by SPSS 19.0. The three stages are early lactation (20 days postpartum), peak lactation (90 days postpartum), and late lactation (210 days postpartum). (a) The expression patterns of miRNAs that increase during these three stages. (b) The expression patterns of miRNAs that showed the lowest expression level at peak lactation. (c) The expression of miRNAs that showed a similar level at peak and late lactation but were higher than at early lactation. (d) The expression patterns of miRNAs that showed the highest level at peak lactation. (e) The expression patterns of miRNAs that showed a similar level at peak and late lactation but were lower than at early lactation.