Research Article

Correlation between LSM1 Expression and Clinical Outcomes in Glioblastoma and Functional Mechanisms

Figure 2

Comparison of LSM1 expression levels in different glioma subtypes. This figure showcases the analysis of LSM1 expression levels in glioma subtypes based on histological type (a), WHO grade (b), age (c), IDH status (d), and 1p/19q codeletion (e). Bar graphs depict the relative expression of LSM1 in each glioma subgroup. The findings demonstrate a marked increase in LSM1 expression in glioblastoma (a), higher WHO grades (b), older age (c), wild-type IDH status (d), and gliomas without 1p/19q codeletion (e). These results suggest a potential association between LSM1 upregulation and more aggressive glioma characteristics (all ), highlighting its promise as a prognostic biomarker and a potential therapeutic target.