Research Article

Role of Tumor Associated Fibroblasts in Human Liver Regeneration, Cirrhosis, and Cancer

Table 3

Quantification of the changes in the expression of specific markers in L-MASCs cultured in the presence of non-CM, HepG2-CM and HuH7-CM. Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Neg = no expression.


Vimentin99 ± 1%97 ± 3%97 ± 3%
Nestin2 ± 1%15 ± 15%30 ± 5
DesminNeg38 ± 5%85 ± 10%
Smooth muscle actinNeg7 ± 8%11 ± 6%
Tenascin-C10 ± 2%95 ± 3%98 ± 2%
VEGF4 ± 3%70 ± 21%85 ± 15%