Review Article

Early Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Transplantation versus Resection: The Case for Liver Resection

Table 1

Series comparing RSX and LT for HCC on cirrhosis.

First author [ref]YearN
Mb (%) RSXMb (%) LTMt (%) RSXMt (%) LTOverall 5-YS
Overall 5-YS
Rec (%) RSXRec (%) LT

Iwatsukiwi/o [46]199117**71**NRNRNRNR0%41%5043
Ringewi/o [47]1991131**61**NRNR 36%15%NRNR
Vargaswi [48]19953511NRNRNRNR58% 1-YS81% 1-YS400
Tanwi/o [49]1995121533NR13NR8.3NR6.7NR33% 3-YS63% 3-YS4515
Michelwi/o [50]199710211339NR38NR8.8NR22NR31%32%8630
Philosophewi/o [51]199867**58**NRNR 38%45%5520
Colellawi/o [52]19984155NRNRNRNR44%68%NRNR
MazziottiNR [53]19982384142NR80NR 41%69%NRNR
Ottowi/o [54]19985250NRNR 37%44%218.0
WeimannNR [55]19993231NRNR 34%63%190
Yamamotowi/o [25]1999294270NRNR 47%54%NRNR
Llovetwi [19]19997787NRNR 51%69%573.4
Figueraswi/o [56]20003585NR6.7NRNRNR51%60%657.0
De Carliswi/o [57]200113191NRNR 38%65%627.0
ShabahangNR [58]20024465NRNR7.0NR7.0NR57% 3-YS66% 3-YSNRNR
Bigourdanwi [59]20032017 36%71%3018
PierieNR [60]20058133***NRNR 10%19%NRNR
Margaritwi [61]20053736NRNR 78%50%5911
Poonwi [62]200720443 3.4H0H68%81%NRNR
Cillowi/o [63]200713140NRNR 31%63%535.0
Del Gaudiowi [22]200880293NR79NR0NR5.0NR66%58%5946
Bellavancewi [64]2008245134 46%66%5014
Sotiropoulowi/o [65]20096160 23%59%NRNR
Zhouwi [66]2010101889NRNR0.69NR4.5NR70%89%NRNR

Abbreviations: RSX: resection; LT: liver transplantation; YS: year-survival; Mb: morbidity; MT: mortality; Rec: recurrence.
*RSX and LT combined.
**Cirrhotic and noncirrhotic livers combined.
***33 wait-list patients (22 transplanted patients).
wiAll patients within Milan criteria.
wi/oSome patients within and some outside of Milan criteria.
NRMilan criteria not reported.
HHospital mortality (during same admission for same treatment).