Review Article

Regulation of the G1/S Transition in Hepatocytes: Involvement of the Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Cdk1 in the DNA Replication

Figure 7

Upper left panel: detection of the extracellular matrix using the reticulin staining in unstimulated and EGF, TNFα or TNFα + EGF stimulated rat hepatocytes. Upper right panel: detection of BrdU positive hepatocytes in cocultured hepatocytes 3 days after stimulation with EGF, TNFα, HGF or combination of TNFα and EGF or HGF. Basal condition: unstimulated cells. Light blue: without fetal calf serum, dark blue: with fetal calf serum. Lower panel: expression of Cdks and cyclins in cultured rat hepatocytes. Cyclin D1, Cdk4, Cdk2, and Cdk1 were analyzed by western blotting. In addition, kinase activities of Cdk1 and Cdk2 were measured using histone H1 as a substrate.