Research Article

Value and Limits of Routine Histology Alone or Combined with Glutamine Synthetase Immunostaining in the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Adenoma Subtypes on Surgical Specimens

Figure 4

(a-b): Inflammatory (IHCA)—(a) typical aspect of IHCA with dispersed inflammatory foci (thin arrow), thick arteries (thick arrow), and areas of sinusoidal dilatation/peliosis (asterisk); (b) this nodule contains irregular areas of steatosis (asterisk); the limits of the tumor (IHCA) from the non tumoral liver (NT) are not visible on standard staining. (c-d) β-catenin activated inflammatory HCA (b-IHCA)—(c) typical aspect of IHCA on H&E with inflammatory foci (thin arrow), thick arteries (thick arrow), and areas of sinusoidal dilatation (asterisk); (d) patchy positivity of glutamine synthetase immunostaining in tumor (b-IHCA), contrasting with nontumoral liver (NT).