Clinical Study

Hypertension as a Risk Factor: Is It Different in Ischemic Stroke and Acute Myocardial Infarction Comparative Cross-Sectional Study?

Table 2

Duration of hypertension in both myocardial infarction ischemic stroke groups.

Not known as hypertensiveUp to 5 years6–1011–15More than 16Total

Myocardial infarction7 (6%)3 (2.7%)57 (52%)34 (31%)9 (8%)110
Ischemic stroke16 (20%)2 (2.4%)41 (50.6%)19 (23.4%)3 (3.7%)81
Total23 (12%)5 (2.6%)98 (51%)53 (27.7%)12 (6.2%)191
P valueLess than 0.00090.