Review Article

The Brain Renin-Angiotensin System and Mitochondrial Function: Influence on Blood Pressure and Baroreflex in Transgenic Rat Strains

Figure 4

Hypertensive (mRen2)27 rats show significantly increased phosphorylated AMP-Kinase (AMPK) in the brain dorsal medulla. AMPK-α (a) and (b) activities were measured by Western blot hybridization using phospho-specific antibodies (Cell Signaling) in brain dorsal medulla tissues from (mRen2)27 [mRen], Sprague-Dawley (SD), and ASrAOGEN (AS) rats. Top: Densitometry analyses of phoshorylated protein levels normalized to total AMPK-α and / ; bottom: representative Western blots. Data are mean ± SEM ( –6 per group); * versus SD; versus AS rats.