Research Article

A Strong Impact of Genetic Background on Gut Microflora in Mice

Figure 1

Kaplan-Meier curves showing the effect of genetic background and diet on DKO mouse survival. All mice are on AIN base diets. Monitored from 8 days of age, the surviving fraction excludes dead and culled, moribund mice. The numbers in parenthesis are the number of mice in each group. The data for yeast are pools both 1 and 10% as no difference could be distinguished. There are log rank differences for all interstrain comparisons on AIN diet: P<.0001. 129 N5, yeast-supplemented AIN (AIN + yeast) diet versus AIN; P=.0087. 129 N10, inulin-supplemented AIN (Ain + inulin) diet versus AIN; P=.0003.