Review Article

Tissue Factor, Blood Coagulation, and Beyond: An Overview

Figure 3

Coagulation-inflammation-thrombosis circuit. TF hypercoagulability results in direct thrombotic actions (1). TF also plays converging and diverging roles in driving the coagulation-inflammation cycle ((2) coagulation-dependent inflammation and (3) inflammation-dependent coagulation). Namely, TF hypercoagulability could result in enormous inflammation as the result of continuously refueling the cycle in which coagulation and inflammation promote each other upon the cycle gaining its initial momentum. Thrombosis-inflammation connection (4) is incorporated into the coagulation-inflammation cycle to form a complete coagulation-inflammation-thrombosis circuit, which manifests diverse pathological conditions in relation to inflammation and thrombosis, including cancers, APS, cardiovascular dysfunctions, diabetes, obesity, and DIC.