Clinical Study

Serum Levels of Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin as Indicator of the Inflammatory Status in Coronary Artery Disease

Table 2

Median and range of serum, urine NGAL, hs-CRP serum creatinine, and eGFR(MDRD) among patient groups and healthy controls.

NrStable anginaUnstable AnginaNSTEMISTEMIControl group

hs-CRP median (quartiles)mg/dL0.40 (0.05–0.87)0.69 (0.11–3.69)1.17 (0.24–13.21)3.91 (0.31–13.62)0.12 (0.02–0.25)
WBC count, mean (SD)(×103)7.67 (1.99)9.38 (2.32)11.50 (2.65)14.67 (4.92)nd
Neutrophil count, mean (SD)(×103)4.90 (1.72)6.44 (1.96)8.27 (2.44)11.08 (4.15)nd
s-NGAL ( ) median (quartiles)ng/mL79.23 (37.50–100.32)108.00 (68.34–177.59)166.49 (109.24–247.20)178.63 (111.18–305.92)50.31 (44.30–69.78)
s-Creatinine, mean (SD)μmol/L79.72 (16.94)79.86 (17.78)86.04 (21.74)88.65 (34.46)81.26 (7.97)
eGFR(MDRD), mean (SD)mL/min89.71 (19.85)89.63 (22.96)85.79 (22.20)81.75 (21.06)97.65 (19.55)

( ) 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 for the comparison between patients with SA and controls, 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 5 for the comparison between patients with SA with patients with UA, and 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 for the comparisons of rest groups, and 𝑃   =  NS for the comparison of patients with STEMI with NSTEMI.