Review Article

Cataract Surgery in Uveitis

Figure 11

A 45-year-old man, a treated case of Hansen’s disease 15 years ago, presented with progressive visual loss. Examination showed active anterior uveitis and complicated cataract. He was treated with topical steroids and after 4 months, underwent phacoemulsification with PCIOL in the left eye. On the first postoperative day, his visual acuity improved to 20/50 (from preoperative vision of 20/200) with a mild fibrinous reaction in the anterior chamber. He returned to the emergency clinic on the next day with loss of vision and showed severe anterior chamber reaction with hypopyon. Vitreous appeared uninvolved. He was hospitalized and treated with intensive topical steroids and cycloplegics. He improved over the course of one week and regained good vision at the end of one month. (a, b) show the right and left eye with quiet anterior chambers and nondilating pupil with posterior synechia. (c, d) Diffuse and slit view of the left eye on the second postoperative day shows hypopyon and coagulum around the IOL. (e, f, g) Diffuse low and high magnification and slit view of the left eye two days after intensive treatment showing decrease in the inflammation. (h) The left eye shows near-quiet anterior chamber 2 weeks after treatment, the visual acuity has improved to 20/50.