Research Article

Distinct Lysosome Phenotypes Influence Inflammatory Function in Peritoneal and Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages

Figure 3

Expression of lysosomal genes is enhanced in pMACs. (a) RNA was isolated from pMACS and BMDMs and expression of the indicated lysosome and autophagy genes was determined by qRT-PCR. Expression was normalized to 36B4. (b, d) Total cellular protein was isolated from pMACs or BMDMs and expression of pro-cathepsin D (ctsD; (b)) or LAMP1 (d) was determined by western blotting. (c, e) Quantification of pro-cstD protein (45 kD) expression (c) or LAMP1 (110–120 kD) (e) normalized to actin. Bar graphs report the mean ± SE for a minimum of 2 experiments, each performed in triplicate. for pMAC versus BMDM.