Clinical Study

Accuracy of Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy after Liver Transplantation and Liver Resection

Table 5

Diagnosis-dependent differences between LTX and liver-resected patients.

Procedure [%]TP [%]TN [%]FP [%]FN [%]Sens. (%)Spec. (%)Acc. (%)

LTX13 1005 392 150 06 4645100
Obstruction6 463 503 505050
Leak5 392 403 604040
No findings2 152 1000 0

Resection25 10014 565 204 162 88856
Obstruction2 80 02 10000
Leak14 5614 1000 0100100
No findings9 365 564 44

LTX = liver transplantation; TP = true positive; TN = true negative; FP = false positive; FN = false negative; sens. = sensitivity; spec. = specificity; acc. = diagnostic accuracy.