Research Article

Quantification of Persistence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Contrasting Soils

Table 2

Numerical analysis of DGGE bands from growth chamber soil samples with Shannon index of diversity ( ).

TreatmentWeek 1Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 7

CB 0.5X+ 1.34 abc0.88 a1.03 a0.13 a0.58 abc
CB 0.5X 0.88abcd0.66 a0.30 a0.53 a0.91 a
CB 1.0X+ 1.56 a0.55 a0.65 a0.37 a0.70 ab
CB 1.0X 1.27 abc0.33 a0.82 a0.71 a0.30 bc
CI 0.5X +E 1.12 abc0.95 a0.85 a0.38 a0.70 ab
CI 0.5X 1.22 abc0.72 a0.94 a0.86 a0.96 a
CI 1.0X+E 1.48ab0.68 a0.79 a0.67 a0.78 ab
CI 1.0X 1.45 ab0.57 a0.42 a0.89 a0.79 ab
CO 0+ 1.10 abcd0.76 a0.89 a0.78 a0.82 ab
SB 0.5X+ 0.82 abcd0.96 a0.49 a0.39 a0.001 c
SB 0.5X 0.45 bcd0.98 a0.35 a0.47 a0.58 abc
SB 1.0X+ 0.30 cd0.75 a0.55 a0.51 a0.001 c
SB 1.0X 0.27 cd1.04 a0.57 a0.29 a0.64 ab
SI 0.5X + 0.79 abcd1.20 a0.76 a0.90 a0.59 ab
SI 0.5X 0.49 abcd0.74 a0.63 a0.26 a0.30 bc
SI 1.0X+ 0.75 abcd0.87 a0.30 a0.57 a0.83 ab
SI 1.0X 0.001 d0.73 a0.49 a0.72 a0.45 abc
SO 0+ 1.11 abc0.89 a0.52 a0.38 a0.38 abc
SO 0 0.95abcd0.75 a0.61 a0.59 a0.59 ab

Means with different letters within each column are significantly different at using Tukey’s Studentized Range Test. C clay soil; B methyl bromide, I methyl Iodide; S sandy soil; 0.5X, and 1X represents half agricultural application rate and recommended agricultural application rate. + E = E. coli O157:H7 applied to the samples and – E not applied to the sample.