Research Article

Aromatic Compound-Dependent Staphylococcus aureus Is Safe in a Nasal Colonization Leukopenic Murine Model

Figure 1

Nasal colonization in a mice leukopenic model. Groups of 10–15 leukopenic and control mice were inoculated intranasally with a suspension of 107 CFU of the Sa14 (panel a) isolate or RD17 (panel b) attenuated mutant. Challenged mice were sacrificed and their nose tissue cultured to determine CFU. The horizontal lines represent the median values. Panel (a) the leukopenic (L) mice showed a significant increase in the CFU number of the Sa14 isolate (median = 10800 CFU/nose) compared with that of control group (C) (median = 2384 CFU/nose). * , Mann-Whitney test. Panel (b): animals inoculated with the RD17 mutant showed similar CFU number in the L group (median = 1552 CFU/nose) as well as in the C group of mice (median = 1400 CFU/nose). , Mann-Whitney test.