Research Article

Point Mutations in the folP Gene Partly Explain Sulfonamide Resistance of Streptococcus mutans

Table 1

Characteristics of bacterial isolates used in the current study, the respective genes and susceptibility to Cotrimoxazole (STX), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), and trimethoprim (TMP) as determined by -test.

IsolateAccession number of folP gene nucleotide sequence usedMutations in the folP geneSTX Sulfonamide susceptibilityTrimethoprim susceptibilityMutations in the folA gene

S. mutans 8Not yet submitted to gene banks but previously published [7] A37V, N172D, and R193Q*>32  g/mL>1024  g/mL
(>4 mM)
>32  g/mLNone
S. mutans 797HE599533.1A46V, E80K, Q122H, and S146G**0.5  g/mL>1024  g/mL
(>4 mM)
2  g/mLNone
S. mutans 135Not yet submitted but previously published [7]A63S, W174LK, L175F, and M189I**8  g/mL>1024  g/mL
(>4 mM)
0.38  g/mLNone
S. sobrinus 7HE 599535.1None>32  g/mL>1024  g/mL
(>4 mM)
>32  g/mLNone
S. downei 477Similar to ZP 07725257.1None0.125  g/mLNot doneNot doneNot done

Mutations as compared to UA159 [10]. **Mutations as compared to NN2025 [11].