Research Article

Molecular Typing of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clinical Isolates on the Basis of Protein A and Coagulase Gene Polymorphisms

Table 4

Discriminatory indices (DIs) of the binary typing method (R) compared with the coa and spa genotyping techniques and antibiogram for the 75 MRSA strains.

MethodTypesSize (%) of largest typeDiscriminatory index (DI)

coa gene PCR typing1044 (58.7%)0.64
spa gene PCR1137 (49.3%)0.68
coa/HaeIII RFLP1244 (58.7%)0.64
spa/HaeII RFLP1237 (49.3%)0.68
Binary typing (R)2227 (36%)0.836
Antibiotyping3212 (16%)0.948