Research Article

Growth on Alpha-Ketoglutarate Increases Oxidative Stress Resistance in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Table 2

Effect of different stressors on survival (%) of S. cerevisiae YPH250 cells grown in the absence (control) or presence of 10 mM AKG.

StressorControl10 mM AKG

2 mМ FeSO449 ± 3
2 mМ CuSO440 ± 3
20% ethanol31 ± 328 ± 2
100 mM menadione54 ± 4
Heat shock (40°С)20 ± 321 ± 3

Exponentially growing cells were exposed to different stressors for 30 min. Survival of yeast cells in respective suspensions without treatment with stressors was accepted as 100%. Data are means ± SEM, . different from respective control values with using Student’s t-test.