Research Article

Antistaphylococcal Activity and Phytochemical Analysis of Crude Extracts of Five Medicinal Plants Used in the Center of Morocco against Dermatitis

Table 6

Total flavonoid contents of the aqueous and methanol extracts.

PlantsTotal flavonoid contents (μg equivalent of quercetin/mg of extract)t-test
Methanol extractsAqueous extracts

C. salviifolius57.92 ± 2.46a56.74 ± 0.48a0.461
C. oxyacantha34.80 ± 2.60c15.56 ± 0.79c0.000
B. hispanica12.36 ± 0.84e11.32 ± 1.39d0.329
L. dentata41.53 ± 1.74b30.00 ± 0.21b0.000
E. altissima18.13 ± 1.05d13.75 ± 1.81c,d0.022

Means that not share the same letter per the same column are statistically different.