Research Article

Methicillin- and Inducible Clindamycin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus among Patients with Wound Infection Attending Arba Minch Hospital, South Ethiopia

Table 5

Susceptibility patterns of isolated S. aureus against erythromycin and clindamycin from wound-infected patients at Arba Minch Hospital, Arba Minch, South Ethiopia, April to June 2017.

PhenotypeEs and Cs no resistance, n (%)Er and Cs (D zone negative) MSB, n (%)Er and Cs (D zone positive) iMLSB, n (%)Er and Cr cMLSB, n (%)

S. aureus (n = 79)57 (60.85)119 (24.1)2
MRSA (n = 65)46 (70.8)116 (24.6)2
MSSA (n = 14)11 (78.6)030

Key. Es: erythromycin sensitive, Cs: clindamycin sensitive, Er: erythromycin resistant, Cr: clindamycin-resistant, MS: macrolide streptogramin B, iMLSB: inducible macrolide lincosamidestreptogramin B phenotype, cMLSB: constitutive macrolide lincosamidestreptogramin B phenotype.