
For let be the polynomial algebra in variables of degree one, over the field of two elements. The mod-2 Steenrod algebra acts on according to well-known rules. Let denote the image of the action of the positively graded part of A major problem is that of determining a basis for the quotient vector space Both and are graded where denotes the set of homogeneous polynomials of degree A spike of degree is a monomial of the form where for each In this paper we show that if and can be expressed in the form with then where is the number of spikes of degree

1. Introduction

For let be the mod-2 cohomology group of the -fold product of with itself. Then is the polynomial algebra in variables , each of degree . is a module over the mod-2 Steenrod algebra according to well-known rules. A polynomial is said to be hit if it belongs to the set The problem of determining is called the hit problem and has been studied by several authors [13]. A closely related problem is that of determining a basis for the quotient vector space which has also been studied by several authors [49]. Some of the motivation for studying these problems is mentioned in [6]. It stems from the Peterson conjecture proved in [3] and various other sources [10, 11].

The following result is useful for determining -generators for . Let denote the number of digits in the binary expansion of .

Theorem 1 (Wood [3]). Let be a monomial of degree . If then is hit.

Thus is zero unless or, equivalently, unless can be written in the form , where . Thus only if contains monomials called spikes.

We note that a spike can never appear as a term in a hit polynomial.

has been explicitly calculated by Peterson [7] for , by Kameko [12] for , and independently by Kameko [5] and Sum [8] for .

2. Preliminaries

In this section we recall some results in Kameko [12] and Singer [2] on admissible monomials and hit monomials in .

If is a monomial in , write for the binary expansion of each exponent . The expansions are then assembled into a matrix of digits or with in the thposition of the matrix.

We will associate with a monomial two sequences where for each . is called the weight vector of the monomial and is called the exponent vector of the monomial . Note that for all . The monomial is said to have length if and for all .

Given two sequences we say that if there is a positive integer such that for all and . We are now in a position to define an order relation on monomials.

Definition 2. Let be monomials in . We say that if one of the following holds:(i),(ii) and . Note that the order relation on the set of sequences is the lexicographical one.

Following Kameko [4] we define the following.

Definition 3. A monomial is said to be inadmissible if there exist monomials with for each , , such that is said to be admissible if it is not inadmissible.
Clearly the set of all admissible monomials in is a minimal set of -generators of . Clearly a spike is admissible.

We shall require the following result due to Kameko.

Definition 4. Let be a positive integer. Define a linear mapping by for any monomial .
Then induces a homomorphism .

Let . In [5, Theorem 4.2] Kameko proved the following.

Theorem 5 (Kameko). Let be a positive integer. If , then is an isomorphism.

From Wood’s theorem and the above result of Kameko the problem of determining -generators for is reduced to the cases .

We recall the following result of Singer on hit polynomials in .

Definition 6. A spike is called a minimal spike if its weight order is minimal with respect to other spikes of degree or, equivalently, if and only if or .
In [11, Theorem 1.2] Singer proved the following.

Theorem 7 (Singer). Let be a monomial of degree , where . Let be the minimal spike of degree . If , then is hit.

3. Main Result

In this section we state our main result, Theorem 8, which was obtained in [13]. The proof is deferred until Section 5. Theorem 8 is the basis of a more general result, obtained in [14], which we state at the conclusion of this paper.

Let be an integer and let . Let denote the number of spikes of degree . In [13] it is shown that one has the following.

Theorem 8. If , then

A general formula for computing for an arbitrary value of can be found in [15].

The result is a consequence of the following lemma.

For each , , and any given , let be the monomial in and let

Lemma 9. Let be integers such that and let . Then for any given the monomial is admissible.

The following example illustrates the definitions previously mentioned and typical monomials defined in the lemma.

Example 10. If , , and , then and in matrix notation

Note that and that if then the only element in is the identity (13).

4. Proof of Lemma 9

We first show that if , then is admissible, that is, that is admissible. We will suppress mentioning the fact that is also a function of .

Suppose that is given and let be the spike so that Let denote the subspace of spanned by monomials such that . Further let denote the subspace of for which for any . Let denote the projection of onto its summand and let denote the projection of onto . Let be the subspace of spanned by We claim that Clearly this shall suffice to show that is admissible (it being the monomial of least order in ).

Our proof of (22) is by induction on and and splits into two cases depending on whether or .

Case 1 (i) (). In this case our argument is by induction on , starting with the case . If then (22) is easily seen to be true since is spanned by .

Assume that (22) is true when the number of variables is , where is fixed and .

Let and for each , , let be the vector subspace of generated by monomials where and is obtained from the monomial by deleting the factor . It is easy to see that is isomorphic to for each . In fact the linear mapping given on monomials by is an isomorphism for each . It is easy to check that and further that is equal to It is therefore sufficient to show that we can find monomials such that all belong to .

We choose for each ; that is,

We first illustrate the argument in the special case . In this case , and .

Consider . Put By the induction hypothesis, But . Put By the induction hypothesis, But . Put By the induction hypothesis But , which concludes the argument in this special case.

The argument to show that in general proceeds as follows.

Consider the element in . Let be the monomial By the induction hypothesis, But which shows that as required.

Case 2 (ii) (). Our argument is by induction on both and . In the case , is known to be spanned by .

We have seen that (22) is true if . Assume therefore that (22) is true when the number of variables is where is fixed and and for , where is fixed and .

Let be defined as above, let be the vector subspace of defined in the same manner as above, and let be the mapping given by (26).

For each , , let be the linear mapping given on monomials by It is easy to check that and further that is equal to It is therefore sufficient to show that we can find monomials and monomials such that and all belong to . But this is a direct calculation, similar to the one for the case , which makes use of induction on and and is omitted.

Finally we show that if and , then is admissible. Let denote . We first note that is an admissible monomial in (by Cases 1 and 2).

Now given that , let be the linear mapping given on monomials by

Then for all and for which we have so that Since and each preserves the order of monomials, we see that is admissible for each pair . This completes the proof of the lemma.

5. Proof of Theorem 8

Let denote the subspace of with basis the union of (the spikes of degree ) and the collection of monomials defined in Lemma 9. Then

We note that if and is the subspace of generated by , then the mapping defined on monomials by is an isomorphism between the vector subspaces .

This completes the proof of Theorem 8.

Remark 11. The result of this paper in part fulfills the requirements of the following theorem, obtained in [14], whose proof needed a more detailed but separate treatment of Theorem 8.

Theorem 12. Suppose that and may be expressed in the form with . Then where .


The result in Section 3 is based on work in the author’s Ph.D. thesis [13] authored under the supervision of Dr. R. M. W. Wood.

Conflict of Interests

The author declares that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.