Research Article

Microwave-Osmotic Dehydration of Cranberries under Continuous Flow Medium Spray Conditions

Table 3

Selected model, predicting equation, and model evaluation for each response.

ResponseModelProb > Equation in terms of actual factorsLack of fit

MLLinear<0.0001 0.0527 (NS)0.7304
SGQuadratic0.0018 0.0556 (NS)0.8749
WRLinear<0.0001 0.2856 (NS)0.8230
HardnessQuadratic0.0233 0.0839 (NS)0.7765
ChewinessInteraction (2FI)0.0006 0.5006 (NS)0.8003

Where is Temperature (°C), is contact time (minutes), and is concentration (°B); .