Review Article

Emergency Management of Hypertension in Children

Table 4

Wong and Mitchell’s classification (adapted from [80]).

GradingRetinal signsSytemic associations*

Mild retinopathyGeneralized arteriolar narrowing, focal arteriolar narrowing, arteriovenous nicking, opacity (copper wiring) of arteriolarwall, or a combination of these signsModest association with risk of clinical Stroke, subclinical stroke,coronary heart disease, and death

Moderate retinopathyHemorrhage (blot, dot, or flame shaped), microaneurysm cotton-wool spot, hard exudates or a combination of these signsStrong association with risk of clinical stroke, subclinical stroke, cognitive decline, and cardiovascular mortality

Severe retinopathyModerate retinopathy plus optic disc swelling #Strong association with mortality

*A modest association is defined as an odds ratio of greater than 1 but less than 2. A strong association is defined as anodds ratio of 2 or greater.
#Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, characterized by unilateral swelling of the optic disk, visual loss, and sectorial visual field loss, should be ruled out.