Clinical Study

Variation in APOL1 Contributes to Ancestry-Level Differences in HDLc-Kidney Function Association

Figure 3

Association between HDLc and eGFR among African Americans and West Africans by rs73885319 Genotype. The modification of the association between HDLc and eGFR by rs73885319 genotype (GG = nephropathy risk genotype), as estimated from a linear mixed model of HDLc × rs73885319, adjusting for HDLc rs73885319, age, age2, sex, and overall proportion of admixture (African Americans only), with random clustering for family. Among those with the nephropathy risk genotype, the association was much more negative than among those without this genotype (β: −0.38 versus 0.001, 𝑃 i n t e r a c t i o n = 0 . 0 3 ).