Clinical Study

To Bind or to Let Loose: Effectiveness of Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate in Decreasing Serum Potassium

Figure 3

(a) Potassium versus time: proportion of change in serum potassium concentration was fitted by a linear mixed model with the time of repeat potassium measurement as the predictor variable. A statistically significant decrease was noted in the proportion of change of potassium for time intervals 0–4 hr, 4.5–8 hr, and 8.5–12 hr ( value = 0.007, <0.0001, <0.0001, resp.). (b) Creatinine versus time: proportion of change in serum creatinine concentration was fitted by a linear mixed model with the time of repeat creatinine measurement as the predictor variable. No statistically significant difference was noted in the proportion of change in creatinine in any of the time intervals (the at will be referred to as and the follow-up at time will be referred to as . The at will be referred to as and the follow up at time will be referred to as ).