Research Article

Constitutional Nephrin Deficiency in Conditionally Immortalized Human Podocytes Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Supported by -Catenin/NF-kappa B Activation: A Consequence of Cell Junction Impairment?

Figure 8

Growth of wild type podocytes in Ca2+-free medium induced the same effects of nephrin ablation on -catenin, p53, and phospho-pRB expressions and distribution. The cells were lysated, fractionated, and processed for western blot as described in Section 2. The antibodies used have been described in the previous figures. To quantify the protein bands, we scanned the blots and performed a densitometry analysis, using the software NIH ImageJ v. 6.4 (freeware, NIH, MD, USA). The figure shows a typical experiment of at least three performed under the same conditions.