Research Article

Associates of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in the Perihemodialytic Period

Table 3

Death following peridialytic cardiopulmonary arrest events across cases and controls.

CPA patients

Death on date of CPA299 (32.4)9 (0.2)****
Death within 1–30 days following CPA155 (16.8)144 (3.1)****
Death between 31 and 365 days from CPA94 (10.2)1,180 (25.6)****

Total deaths at 1 year548 (59.3)1,333 (28.9)****
Total surviving at 1 year or censored by reasons other than death376 (40.7)3,281 (71.1)****


For control patients, the reference date is the CPA date for the matched CPA case.