Research Article

Incidence and Risk Factors for Early Acute Kidney Injury in Nonsurgical Patients: A Cohort Study

Table 2

Risk factors associated with EAKI, bivariate analysis.

VariableOR95% CI value

stages 1 and 20.93[0.44–1.93]0.824
stages 3, 4, and 54.00[2.13–7.45]<0.001
Prehospital treatment with nephrotoxic drugs2.63[1.38–5.25]0.002
In-hospital treatment with nephrotoxic drugs1.35[0.39–7.31]0.630
Contrast media1.00[0.47–2.00]0.990
History of DM2.06[1.09–3.80]0.013
History of AHT1.82[1.02–3.28]0.030
History of cirrhosis1.32[0.13–6.84]0.730
History of heart failure1.37[0.65–2.73]0.350
History of rheumatologic disease0.55[0.14–1.64]0.260
History of coronary heart disease1.64[0.68–3.65]0.197
Nephrotic syndrome5.39[0.38–75.1]0.062
Hydration status0.68[0.34–1.30]0.230
Venous thromboembolism at admission2.57[0.77–7.59]0.057
Cardiovascular disease at admission1.73[0.87–3.33]0.086
Chronic pulmonary and pleural disease at admission0.55[0.18–1.37]0.185

using the chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation and classified based on NFK-KDOQI guidelines.