Research Article

What Signals Are Removed and Retained by Using an Anomaly Field in Climatic Research?

Figure 3

Logarithm of power spectrum for the detrended daily OLR time series. Shown are at relatively low frequency from 500 to 100 days of (a) the spectrums for the original (blue) and anomaly (red) OLR time series and (b) their spectrum difference (original minus anomaly) and at relatively high frequency from 150 to 26 days of (c) the spectrums for the original (blue) and anomaly (red) OLR time series and (d) their spectrum difference (original minus anomaly). The daily OLR time series is calculated in the equatorial western Pacific (120°E–150°E, 5°S-5°N).
(a) Spectrum
(b) Spectrum difference
(c) Spectrum
(d) Spectrum difference