Review Article

Interaction between Chronic Inflammation and Oral HPV Infection in the Etiology of Head and Neck Cancers

Table 2

Risk of oral premalignant lesions from periodontitis.

Premalignant lesions*Any lesion

(%)323 (2.3%)3,421 (24.8%)
Periodontitis1.55 [1.06–2.27]§1.09 [0.91–1.31]

*Premalignant lesions were defined as erythroplakia, leukoplakia (homogeneous and nonhomogeneous), nonspecific ulcer, and smokeless tobacco-associated lesions.
Count (percentage).
Periodontitis was defined as CAL >1.5 mm.
§Odds ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals derived from multiple logistic regression analysis adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, tobacco, alcohol, and occupational hazard.