Clinical Study

Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Organized Hematoma

Table 2

The CT and MRI findings of the five cases.

CaseSize on CT (mm)CT (bone destruction)MRI (T1-weighted)MRI (T2-weighted)MRI (Gd-DPTA)

I +(L,P)LowLowHighIso to highHighLow
II +(L)LowLow to isoHighIso to highHighLow
III +(L)LowLowHighhighIso to highLow to iso
IV +(L)LowLow to isoHighhighIso to highLow to iso
V +(L,P)LowLow to isoHighIso to highHighLow

L: lateral wall of nasal cavity; P: posterior wall of maxillary sinus; Low: low signal intensity; iso: iso signal intensity; high: high signal intensity; central: central portion of the mass; surrounding: surrounding portion of the mass; Gd-DPTA: Gd-DPTA enhanced.