Research Article

Randomized, Double-Blind, and Placebo-Controlled Clinic Report of Intranasal Low-Intensity Laser Therapy on Vascular Diseases

Table 2

Blood viscosity index (mean ± S.E.M).

BVTreatment group (n)Verified statisticsControl group (n)Verified statistics

BV(l) 0.545>0.05 2.735<0.05
BV(h) 2.020<0.05 1.428>0.05
PV 2.233<0.05
HCT 1.526>0.05 0.388>0.05
RV(l) 3.323<0.01 2.944<0.01
RV(h) 2.120<0.05 2.662<0.05
RBCA 3.263<0.01 1.961>0.05

BV: blood viscosity, WBV: Whole blood viscosity, PV: plasma viscosity at low shear rate (3/s), RV: redox viscosity, RBCA: red blood cell aggregation, HCT: hematocrit, h: high shear rate at 200/s, l: low shear rate at 3/s.