Research Article

Cyanidin-Based Novel Organic Sensitizer for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: DFT/TDDFT Study

Table 2

Computed excitation energies in (eV), (nm), and the oscillator strength (f) of the cyanidin and P01-1 obtained by TDDFT calculations at B3LYP/6-31g (d) level with the inclusion of geometry optimization under the solvation effect of ethanol.

SensitizerOptimized in ethanol
Calculated energyOscillator strengthMO configuration

Cyanidin2.52492.160.583H➔L = 0.695
2.82439.860.010H-3➔L = 0.318
H-2➔L = 0.467
H➔L+1 = 0.211
3.17391.210.273H-3➔L = 0.322
H-2➔L = 0.192
H-1➔L = 0.586
3.88319.360.025H-4➔L = 0.687
4.492760.055H-3➔L = 0.516

P01-12.18567.750.795H➔L = 0.703
2.60476.810.054H-2➔L = 0.132
H-1➔L = 0.665
2.79443.990.007H-2➔L = 0.685
3.00413.810.312H➔L+1 = 0.668
3.22385.110.148H-4➔L = 0.613
H-1➔L = 0.194
H➔L+1 = 0.187

Molecular orbitals with configuration coefficient < 0.1 are not shown.