Research Article

Parental Influence on Young Children's Physical Activity

Table 2

Multinomial logistic regression predicting parents’ perception of their child PA intensity level.

Highly ActiveModerately Active

Beta (SE)WaldOdds RatioBeta (SE)WaldOdds Ratio

Child Age (months)−.113 (.038)8.73.893 .079 (.023)11.39.924
Child Gender (male).676 (.772).7671.967.116 (.516).0501.123
Linguistic Group (French).325 (.747).1901.384.204 (.532).1471.226
TV Time (1 hr or less/day).303 (.749).1631.354−.283 (.523).4201.404
Child At-risk of Overweight/Overweight−.064 (.798).006.938.339 (.565).251.75420.3
Parent Age (years)−.266 (.095)7.81.766 −0.19 (.038).252.981
Married.808 (.985).6722.243.193 (.670).0831.213
Income 0–45K.611 (1.205).2571.842.134 (.764).0311.144
Income 45–75K−.259 (1.052).061.772−.756 (.618)1.497.469
Postsecondary Education−1.486 (1.378)1.164.226−.165 (1.132)2.125.19223.9
Parental Support for PA1.441 (.733)3.864.22 .478 (.376)1.6141.613
Parental Enjoyment of PA.458 (.548).6991.58.080 (.300).0711.083
Parental PA Habits.680 (.315)4.671.974 .227 (.217)1.091.255
Importance of Child’s PA Ability−.145 (.306).225.865.066 (.228).0851.06919.56

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